Get A Balance Board For Your Standing Desk

In recent years, the standing desk has revolutionized workspaces globally, offering a healthier alternative to the traditional seated desk arrangement. As we continue to prioritize well-being, especially in the workplace, it is essential to explore further avenues to enhance the benefits derived from standing desks. Enter the balance board, a tool that promises to take the advantages of a standing desk to the next level, fostering not just a dynamic and flexible workspace but also promoting holistic health.

balancing woman by the ocean

The balance board, a flat surface supported by a fulcrum, encourages individuals to maintain balance while standing, engaging various muscle groups that would otherwise remain dormant. Incorporating a balance board into your standing desk setup invites a range of micro-movements, enhancing circulation, and encouraging better posture. As we dive deeper into this topic, we will uncover the benefits of using a board for balance, from fostering physical health to boosting mental well-being.

Health Benefits of Using a Balance Board

The integration of a balance board into your standing desk setup is not just a step towards a modern and dynamic workspace, but a stride towards better health. Let’s delve into the numerous health benefits that come with using one.

Woman in a raised plank on a balance board.

Improved Posture

Standing desks were a leap forward in promoting better posture at work, but adding a balance board takes this a notch higher. The board encourages natural spine alignment by necessitating slight movements to maintain balance. These movements prevent the stiffness and slouching that often come with standing or sitting in one position for extended periods. Moreover, the active engagement helps in reducing the risk of developing back problems, a common issue for office workers.

Enhanced Core Strength

Spending chunks of your day on a balance board is a subtle yet effective way to engage your core muscles continuously. The act of balancing necessitates a gentle engagement of the abdominal muscles, promoting core strength. A stronger core not only aids in maintaining a healthy back but also facilitates better body movement in daily activities, enhancing your overall health.

Better Circulation

Standing still for prolonged periods can lead to blood pooling in the legs, a problem that the balance board effectively mitigates. The board encourages a range of micro-movements, which foster better circulation, preventing issues such as varicose veins. Moreover, improved circulation can boost your energy levels, keeping you active and vibrant throughout the workday.

Mental Health and Well-being

Increased Focus and Productivity

The physical activity encouraged by a balance board has a direct positive impact on your mental health. The subtle movements you make while balancing can foster increased focus and productivity by enhancing mental clarity and reducing fatigue. It’s a simple yet effective way to keep the mind engaged and alert.

Stress Reduction

In a high-pressure work environment, a balance board can be a silent ally in reducing stress. The physical engagement not only diverts the mind but can also have a calming effect, helping you to maintain a sense of mindfulness and presence in the moment. It transforms a static work environment into a space of calm dynamism, promoting mental well-being.

Can’t overthink about too much when you also have to make sure you don’t fall over.

Practical Tips for Using a Balance Board

As we have explored the numerous benefits of using a balance board at your standing desk, it is equally important to understand how to use it correctly to reap all its benefits while ensuring safety. Here we present some practical tips to get you started on your balance board journey.

Getting Started

Before you jump on the board, it is essential to choose the right balance board for you. Consider factors such as the board’s size, material, and difficulty level. Once you have the perfect board, it’s time to set up your workspace appropriately. Ensure that your desk is at the right height to maintain a neutral posture while using the board. It is also advisable to start with short sessions and gradually increase the duration as you get accustomed to the board.

Safety Tips

While balancing offers numerous health benefits, improper use of a board can lead to overuse injuries or falls. To avoid this, it is crucial to be aware of safety tips to maintain balance and prevent accidents. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Stretch First: rolling your ankles out, one at a time, helps loosen everything up and can prevent issues.
  • Avoid Overuse: Start with short sessions and gradually increase the duration to prevent muscle fatigue and overuse injuries.
  • Flooring: Ensure that the floor is not slippery to prevent the board from sliding.
  • Breaks: Take regular breaks to rest and avoid straining your muscles.
  • Posture: Always maintain a neutral spine posture to avoid back and neck strain.

Get a balance board. Do it for your health. Do it now.

Using a balance board at your standing desk can be a game-changer in promoting better physical and mental health. However, it is vital to use it correctly to enjoy all its benefits without any adverse effects. We hope these tips will help you integrate a balance board into your workspace safely and effectively.

You don’t need an expensive one at all. I bought the Amazon Basics balance board for like $15 at the time. It works just as well as some of the more expensive varieties (like this $72 balance board).


